What is to be done with these empty roads ? |

Billions of km of asphalt were constructed worldwide and now there are no automobiles to use them. |
This publication analyses unfolding episodes of our contemporary life structure in the current year, 2058
as direct consequences of events that occurred 50 years ago. Many Biospheric inhabitants lived during those times and in retrospect,
can contemplate how events in which they were passive or active participants, culminated in the present dispensation. Perhaps
their experiential accounts may influence the next generation into driving events to achieve positive consequences.
To develop this publication, I was inspired by the challenges that event-anticipators are confronted with when they attempt
to predict the future. Extrapolations rely on unidimensional projections of events. The future is multidimensional;- the result
of countless interactions between events. This attempt to look ahead therefore conceives probably an inaccurate picture of
the future. The actuality will be revealed 50 Years Acome.
This website is designed to stimulate you to think about your actions today and how they will affect future generations.
Send an e-mail to let me know what you think (or to contribute articles or ideas). I'll be updating frequently, so check back